
Welcome to the Encore Volleyball family. As players, parents and coaches, we hold ourselves to very high standards. As a business and service it is important that we are in a mutual agreement of the following standards because we not only want to build great athletes, we want to develop people with great character.
As a member of Encore Volleyball Club you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that demonstrates good sportsmanship and a respect for others at all times. It is essential that you support your fellow teammates, coaches and Club, to the best of your ability. As an athlete you will be expected to adhere to the following standards of behavior throughout the volleyball season.
Demonstrating RESPECT for myself, other people, property & equipment, the rules of the sport, and the rules of the Foundry.
Conducting myself with HONESTY and INTEGRITY in all situations
Taking RESPONSIBILITY for my actions and behavior
Following the principle of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP
Honoring my COMMITMENT and fully ENGAGING in the program by attending all lessons, practices, games, and events related to my participation.
Shall not supply, use or condone the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, ammunition, firearms, knives, or any item or material that can be used as a weapon, to anyone involved at The Foundry, Encore or Monsoon and shall report any athlete, coach or staff member using or in the possession of the same.
Conducting myself in an appropriate manner in regards to social media and making positive and responsible decisions with posting pictures, video, text on websites such as but not limited to Facebook, Vine, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Shutterfly, Pinterest, etc. Any negative, derogatory, etc. of pictures, videos and/or text found of players, parents, staff, etc, will be subject to removal from your team, the club and The Foundry.
Furthermore, as a member of Encore, I agree to strive for a positive and encouraging attitude and promise to demonstrate it through my behavior by avoiding:
Derogatory remarks or disrespectful behavior toward or about others
Cursing/swearing of any kind
Actions that may be perceived to be negative, mean, or violent, or that may cause harm to others
As a parent/member of Encore Volleyball Club, your child is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates good sportsmanship and a respect for others, as well as themselves, at all times. Similarly, it is essential that you, as the parents, also display and model behavior that is consistent with the highest ideals of good sportsmanship. As a parent, you will be expected to adhere to the following standards of behavior before, during and after any and all practices or competition throughout the volleyball season:
Demonstrating RESPECT for myself, my child, other people, property & equipment, the rules of the sport, and the rules of the Foundry.
Conducting myself with HONESTY and INTEGRITY in all situations
Taking RESPONSIBILITY for my actions and behavior
Following the principle of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP
Ensuring my child completely and actively ENGAGES in the program through timely arrival to all lessons, practices, games, and related activities.
Shall not supply, use or condone the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, ammunition, firearms, knives, or any item or material that can be used as a weapon, to anyone involved at The Foundry & Encore Volleyball Club and shall report any athlete, coach or staff member using or in the possession of the same.
Furthermore, as a responsible adult involved with The Foundry, I agree to strive for a positive and encouraging attitude and promise to demonstrate it through my behavior by avoiding:
Derogatory remarks or disrespectful behavior toward or about others
Cursing/swearing of any kind
Actions that may be perceived to be negative, mean, or violent, or that may cause harm to others
If an athlete’s or parent’s conduct is found to be inappropriate in accordance with our Code of Conduct, she or they will be subject to the following consequences:
Verbal and/ or written warning
A meeting with Head Coach and Club Directors
Penalties as determined by Encore, including but not limited to possible suspension from the next tournament or release from her team.